Jun.07, 2021
There must be many people who have emphasized to you how learning Chinese can benefit your career and life here in China. As another non international traveling summer is approaching, here are some ideas about how to make the best Chinese study plan for your precious free time.
1. Choose the right path to start
Compared to many European languages, Chinese is a special one. If you don't receive the right guidance when you first start to learn the language, you will soon interpret "special" as "difficult", like many do.
Many students have questions like these:
You should have a clear idea about all these questions before you start this long term "project". Only with the right method will you get the most out of the time you invest. Each step will take you closer to your goal, thus you will always feel motivated and your learning will be more enjoyable, too.
2. Adjust your learning method when you feel lost
3. Maintain the learning consistency in your busy life
Learning Chinese takes time, of course. However, it is much more about planning the time in line with your schedule than about the time itself.
In this way, Silk Mandarin believes every professional can learn Chinese while having a busy job at the same time. Yet, now that summer is approaching, why not seize it?
Many Silk Mandarin students use part of their summer holidays to turn to intensive study. It's proven to be an excellent way to consolidate what they have gained from the general part-time course and at the same time boost their Chinese language skill to the next level.
Silk Mandarin is delighted to help you come up with a practical summer study plan to attain your learning goal!
Summer in China will officially start after the 梅雨季 méiyǔ jì (the plum rain season)! Are you ready for another special summer making the difficult also enjoyable? I hope that along with the resurgent life in the city, your passion for China and its luring adventures have been rekindled. Traveling around China is a beautiful choice, but intensively learning Chinese this summer will make an everlasting change to your life, one you will never regret!
Silk Mandarin Intensive Chinese Program allows you to:
Choose the class duration: 2-16 weeks
Choose the learning intensity 6-30 lessons/week
Choose the location: Shanghai, Suzhou, Online
Solve critical communication problems with your daily life, work and travel
Contact us to customize your Chinese study plan in 2021!
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